Thursday, December 20, 2012

Garland, Texas Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorney | Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Garland Traffic Warrants
  1. Alias Warrant: When the defendant fails to appear in court as directed following the issuance of a traffic ticket
  2. Bench Warrant: When the defendant has requested or the court has a set a court date and he fails to appear
  3. Capias Warrant: The defendant was found guilty either following a trial or by his own plea. he then failed to pay his court ordered fines.
I can help you lift your alias and bench warrants because you have yet to have your day in court, but if your warrant is capias, I am sorry to say, it is too late to help you. In this situation, you must pay your late fees or sit them out in jail. If you are eligible for a bond, contact me to lift your traffic warrants at 817-685-0912.

Most Alcohol Violations In Garland, Texas Are Class C Misdemeanors

Most of these alcohol violations in Garland, Texas are considered Class "C" Misdemeanors in Texas. A conviction will not affect your driving privileges, unless you are a minor. However, a Class "C" conviction could result in fines, points on your driving record, increased insurance rates, and other consequences. Contact the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates for more details on how we can defend you at 817-685-0912.

Consult An Attorney Before Paying Your Speeding Ticket

The first thing I need to make clear is do not just pay the speeding ticket! If you simply mail in a check for payment on a traffic violation, that is a plea of guilty and you have inadvertently put the ticket on your driving record. That of course, can lead to points on your record, higher insurance rates, state surcharges, and possibly a driver's license suspension. You can, assuming you qualify, request a defensive driving class or deferred adjudication. However, the best thing to do is contact an attorney about your speeding ticket who has the experience to represent you at 817-685-0912.

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