Friday, November 30, 2012

Grapevine, Texas Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorneys | Speeding Ticket Lawyers

Grapevine Traffic Ticket Lawyer Defends Against Warrant Roundup

If you have traffic warrants in Grapevine, Texas our lawyers can lift those warrants. If you failed to take your traffic violation seriously, there may now be a traffic warrant issued in your name. If you have been contacted regarding your citation, it is time to call an experienced lawyer. I am attorney Jack Byno, and I can help you resolve your warrant, before you are arrested. For more information on getting your speeding tickets defended and your warrants lifted, please call Jack Byno at 817-685-0912. 

Liquor and Alcohol Traffic Offenses Defense Lawyer in Grapevine, Texas 

Whether you have been ticketed in Grapevine, Texas for public intoxication (PI), minor in possession (MIP), or a nonmoving alcohol violation, your driver's license may be at risk. Additionally, you could be facing other consequences, including fines and jail time, that can have far-reaching effects on all aspects of your life. Turn to an experienced lawyer who can help protect your interests. Contact the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates for more details on how we can assist you at 817-685-0912.

CDL Defense Attorney Helps Truck Drivers In Grapevine, Texas

The problem for CDLs is that they are not eligible for a Drivers Safety Class (DSC) and are prohibited from being placed on a deferred adjudication (probation) in Grapevine, Texas. That significantly cuts back on their options. In most courts Jack Byno can work out a deal to minimize the damage or reduce the points. However, sometimes a driver just cannot take any more points against his record. In this situation a commercial driver can retain Jack Byno & Associates to fight his traffic ticket and have a trial. To discuss your case contact Jack Byno, attorney at law  at 817-685-0912.

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