Friday, November 30, 2012

Haltom City Warrants Lifted By Attorneys | Speeding Tickets Lawyers

Have You Been The Recipient Of A Traffic Ticket In Haltom City, Texas? 

An individual with a traffic warrant in his or her name can be arrested at any time, in any place in Haltom City, Texas. This includes at work, at home or even at school. Arrests can occur outside of the scheduled statewide warrant roundup, although arrests are more common during these periods of increased police activity.If you aren't sure whether or not there is a warrant out in your name, you can check the list of outstanding warrants maintained by the city. As a general rule, if you receive a traffic ticket and do not challenge it in court or take other action, it's only a matter of time until the police could come knocking. For assistance with lifting your warrant call the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates at 817-685-0912.

Liquor and Alcohol Traffic Offenses Defense Lawyer in Haltom City, Texas 

Whether you have been ticketed in Haltom City, Texas for public intoxication (PI), minor in possession (MIP), or a nonmoving alcohol violation, your driver's license may be at risk. Additionally, you could be facing other consequences, including fines and jail time, that can have far-reaching effects on all aspects of your life. Turn to an experienced lawyer who can help protect your interests. Contact the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates for more details on how we can assist you at 817-685-0912.

Navigate the Haltom City Legal System With a Traffic Ticket Attorney

Having a lawyer handle Haltom City traffic citations on your behalf can protect your rights, your hard-earned money, your driver's license and even your freedom. Attorneys who focus their practice on resolving traffic tickets and other citations on behalf of their clients have the knowledge and skill necessary to navigate the often-confusing legal system. They educate you about your options (paying the speeding ticket, community service, etc.), examine your specific situation to determine what the best course of action for you is, and then work to resolve the matter in the most beneficial way possible. Where you might not be comfortable approaching a judge to seek a payment plan or negotiating with the prosecutor to reduce or drop charges, an experienced attorney can make an effective argument on your behalf. Contact a lawyer with two decades of experience in traffic court at 817-685-0912.

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