Friday, November 30, 2012

Plano, Tx Traffic Warrant Roundup Attorneys | Speeding Ticket Lawyers

Have You Been The Recipient Of A Traffic Ticket In Plano, Texas? 

An individual with a traffic warrant in his or her name can be arrested at any time, in any place in Plano, Texas. This includes at work, at home or even at school. Arrests can occur outside of the scheduled statewide warrant roundup, although arrests are more common during these periods of increased police activity.If you aren't sure whether or not there is a warrant out in your name, you can check the list of outstanding warrants maintained by the city. As a general rule, if you receive a traffic ticket and do not challenge it in court or take other action, it's only a matter of time until the police could come knocking. For assistance with lifting your warrant call the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates at 817-685-0912.

Minors Charged With Alcohol Violations in Plano, Texas

Minors who have been charged with a Class "C" Misdemeanor in Plano, Texas have additional concerns. Since individuals under the age of 21 are banned from consuming alcohol, an alcohol violation may have severe consequences. If you fail to take action, your driving privileges may be suspended, and you may face other adverse consequences. Contact the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates for more details on how we can defend you or your minor child at 817-685-0912.

Plano Police Arrest People For Failure to Pay Tolls

If you have a warrant for running a toll, the Plano, Texas police may arrest you if you are stopped. There is a step by step process when you have run a toll and have failed to pay it. At any stage, please do not hesitate to contact me, attorney Jack Byno, to learn how I can help. I have helped numerous people avoid costly fines and fees for NTTA violations. While there are often options to resolve these issues outside of court, I have significant experience representing clients facing NTTA violations in the justice courts and other courts in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. My experience can help minimize the consequences of your traffic violation and lift the warrant for your arrest. Contact the attorneys of Jack Byno & Associates for representation with your Toll Tag warrants at 817-685-0912.

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